Besides Pornography, Very Few Ways to Censor Internet
Freedom of speech is our guaranteed right as a United States citizen. Or is it? That is the question those opposed to censorship are asking citizens to decide and stand up for. However, the Federal Communications Commission claims it does not attempt to hinder a person’s right to freedom of speech. Their goal is to prevent obscenity and libel from being a part of the media, newspaper, television, and radio.
The FCC will issue fines to any entity that falls under free to air broadcasting who participates in programming that involves obscenities, vulgar behaviors, nudity, or libel. These finds are high dollar amounts ranging from $250,000 to $375,000 per incident.
One huge area of controversy involving censorship involves pornography, especially on the internet. The FCC states indecent pornography can’t be censored, but obscene pornography can be censored. This involves pornography involving children and underage teenagers. Under the regulations of the FCC that have been approved by the Bush administration, those violating the pornography censorship laws can face criminal charges and prison sentences. The issue of censorship regarding pornography has gotten even tighter since 1996 when the Communications Decency Act was passed.
Other than the area of pornography, there are very few ways to censor internet materials. Many people enjoy that freedom while others are fighting to change that. It is one thing if you are searching the internet for a particular subject, then view it. However, many children have found x-rated sites not suited for their viewing by simply typing in the name of a popular toy or music band into a search engine.
Keeping this in mind, it is important to remember that not everything you read on the internet is true. It may very well simply be someone’s opinion with no factual information to verify it. However, nothing mandates they state it is only their opinion on the internet. Therefore, it is often portrayed in a format that appears to be factual.
The issue of censorship remains very controversial. There are those who believe it is necessary to keep some guidelines and integrity in our society pertaining to television, music, and the media. However, the other side of the issue belongs with those who believe freedom of speech should be the prevailing decision.
Sources: I. Videos Gone Viral, II. The Car Junky, III. The Tech Fanatic
The FCC will issue fines to any entity that falls under free to air broadcasting who participates in programming that involves obscenities, vulgar behaviors, nudity, or libel. These finds are high dollar amounts ranging from $250,000 to $375,000 per incident.
One huge area of controversy involving censorship involves pornography, especially on the internet. The FCC states indecent pornography can’t be censored, but obscene pornography can be censored. This involves pornography involving children and underage teenagers. Under the regulations of the FCC that have been approved by the Bush administration, those violating the pornography censorship laws can face criminal charges and prison sentences. The issue of censorship regarding pornography has gotten even tighter since 1996 when the Communications Decency Act was passed.
Other than the area of pornography, there are very few ways to censor internet materials. Many people enjoy that freedom while others are fighting to change that. It is one thing if you are searching the internet for a particular subject, then view it. However, many children have found x-rated sites not suited for their viewing by simply typing in the name of a popular toy or music band into a search engine.
Keeping this in mind, it is important to remember that not everything you read on the internet is true. It may very well simply be someone’s opinion with no factual information to verify it. However, nothing mandates they state it is only their opinion on the internet. Therefore, it is often portrayed in a format that appears to be factual.
The issue of censorship remains very controversial. There are those who believe it is necessary to keep some guidelines and integrity in our society pertaining to television, music, and the media. However, the other side of the issue belongs with those who believe freedom of speech should be the prevailing decision.
Sources: I. Videos Gone Viral, II. The Car Junky, III. The Tech Fanatic
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