Avoiding Copyright Infringement
There are many instances where you or your company could be engaged in copyright infringement without even knowing it. For example, if one of your employees uses a company computer to host, share, or download pirated materials, you are in danger of copyright litigation being brought against you. The answer to this problem is to ensure that you have a clear acceptable use policy laid out for your employees and ensure that it is followed and implemented as strictly as possible. Even a single individual who engages in these nefarious activities can put an entire organisation at risk. This is exactly why the first step to avoiding copyright infringement is to educate yourself about all of the relevant copyright lawsand regulations.
The New Zealand Federation Against Copyright Theft, or NZFACT, is an organisation that is committed to ensuring and protecting the rights of the New Zealand film and television industry, retailers, and movie fans. Copyright infringement has a wide number of manifestations and is something that applies to a vast number of scenarios. NZFACT has several members which include, but are not limited to:
Village Roadshow Limited
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, New Zealand
Paramount Pictures Corporation
Sony Pictures Releasing International Corporation
Twentieth Century Fox International Corporation
Universal International Films, Inc
Warner Bros. Pictures International, a division of Warner Bros. Pictures Inc.
NZFACT works with enforcement agencies and government officials to ensure the copyright infringement and piracy of any kind do not take place in New Zealand. Tony Eaton, a former police prosecutor in the New Zealand Courts, is the Executive Director of NZFACT.
Sources: I. Videos Gone Viral, II. The Car Junky, III. The Tech Fanatic
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